"And He arose and rebuked the winds, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm."

Words cannot express the gratitude that I have that Christ, my Savior, calms the storms in my life. The winds and the waves in my life truly do obey His will. It is so easy to forget that simple fact.
And sometimes I forget so much that I question. I ask, "Master, carest thou not that I perish?" How can you lie asleep during this storm that I am suffering through? Don't you care that I need help? I need your help, please help me. Don't leave me alone to endure this storm alone. Don't you understand how utterly terrified I am?
But He always calms the storms. It may not be right when I want Him to, in fact it is safe to say that it really never is at a time that is convenient for me. It may be after I have suffered an eternity through that storm, so much so that I am so sick that I don't think I can survive another minute in that storm. And it might be five minutes after that. But he will calm the storm.
And then he will answer us saying, "Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?" I am here for you. I will always be here for you. Please just trust me. Trust that I know what is best for you. I know you don't believe me right now, but this storm is meant to help you learn, grow, and progress. Never forget. You cannot forget my love for you. Everything I do for you is out of love. I have always loved you. Love is the reason. Love is what brought me to perform miracles of healing the blind and raising the dead. Love is what drove me to the Garden of Gethsemane where I bled from every pore and suffered for your sins. Love is what lifted me up on a cross where I died for you. Love. Always remember my love for you. Please never forget that. Never forget.
I have calmed this storm, but there will be many more. Some won't be so bad, and others will be worse and more tumultuous than this one you have just experienced. Through each of these I will be there. You may not be able to see me, but I am there. Because I love you. I will always be there. Don't forget to call on me when you need help, you don't have to do this alone. Because I was alone in Gethsemane, you do not have to be. That is what my love can do. My love can change a mind. My love can change a heart. My love can change the world. It has changed the world.
Then we might drop down on our knees and cry, I know that you are always there. I know that you love me. I'm sorry that I forget. I know that you performed those miracles, bled in Gethsemane, and died on the cross. I know that your love has changed the world. I know. I won't forget.
But we do. We do forget, and when we do, if we will just turn around we will see that Christ is there again. He will always be there, we just have to let him in. Then he will remind us.
I lived for you. I died for you. And I love you.
No other person's love for us really matters. Yeah there is that cute boy and it turns out that he "doesn't like you back." Or maybe your family is completely disappointed in a choice you made. Maybe your friends have all abandoned you. You may feel utterly alone, or you just might in fact be utterly alone.
Yes those things are hard. Yes it is okay to cry. Yes it is okay to scream and bang your fists against a wall, or scream into a pillow. But after doing those things we must remember that love.
A love so immense that it brought Him to perform miracles.
A love so powerful that it drove him to Gethsemane.
A love so miraculous that it lifted Him up on a cross to die.
A love so perfect that it changed the world.
We cannot forget.
Never forget.
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