Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Can I just say how confusing my life is right now?  Yeah I am sure there are plenty of adults out there who want to remind me that it will only get more difficult.  Lately I have been praying and praying because I have been trying to decide what I should study in school.  I basically had it narrowed down to 2 majors: Communication disorders or nursing.  I cannot even tell you how many times I have prayed to see which one I should do, and I was not getting an answer! (Can you say extremely frustrating?)  Then on fast Sunday I decided that I would fast for an answer.  After fasting I still wasn't really feeling either way.  Then I called and talked to my lovely mother to update her on my life.  She said that she had been talking to someone in my home ward who was wondering if I had ever considered being a PHYSICIAN'S ASSISTANT.  Are you kidding me?!?
So on the outside I was like...

But on the inside I was like...

Sadly enough I had these thoughts many times before, but I just brushed them aside because I knew a normal person wouldn't want to go to PA school...(why I considered myself normal is beyond me....)  The spirit then whispered to me that THIS was the path I was supposed to be taking, and THAT is why I wasn't receiving the answers that I had been searching for.  I still have all these doubts that I am going down the wrong path, but I think I am going to go back to my original major of Neuroscience and then once I graduate, I will be able to go to PA school.  WHEW.
And now I just sort of feel like this...

Sometimes I wonder why God would let me just wander around like a chicken with my head cut off, but He must have some great plan in store.  And even though I have all of these doubts running around in my brain,  I KNOW that God has never turned his back on me.  He has always been right by my side, and I knew it would always work out.  And even though I have no idea how I am going to pay for school or how I am going to take a million science classes at one time or how I am going to pass a million science classes, I know that God knows, and THAT my friends is true peace.

Peace doesn't come from knowing HOW everything will work out, but knowing WHO will work it all out.

 I am stepping out of my little boat of comfort and safety just as Peter did when Christ beckoned for him to come out onto the water. Yes I am terrified.  But I can do all things through Christ.  As long as I keep my eyes on him I know that I will be able to withstand these insane storms that are raging around me.

All I have to do is stay focused on Him, and then maybe eventually I will feel a little less like this...

And a little more like this....

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