Monday, December 8, 2014

By the Highway Side

Christ found Bartimeaus on the highway side.  He was begging on the side of the road.  Why was Christ walking along this particular road you might ask?  He was traveling from Jericho on his way to Jerusalem.  This would be the final time he would make this journey, for it is in Jerusalem that he would die.  If you knew you were on your final trip of your life before you would die what would I choose to do?  Possibly a various assortment of these activities would be the standard wordly know your bucket list!

Obviously Christ doesn't do any of these things.  He helps a blind man that is homeless on the side of the road.

So let us commit anew to finding opportunities to help those around us even if we might be going through plenty of struggles on our own and we might be able to think of about a million other things we would rather do.  For that is what Christ would do.  And that is who we are striving to be like.  So when we see those people like Bartimeaus by the "highway side", lets remember that Christ took the time to take care of him, and so should we.

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