Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Reason For the Season

Mary, a woman who was most likely a teenager when she was pregnant with the Savior must have endured so much.  She probably endured persecution from her family and friends for getting pregnant out of wedlock.  Imagine her purity.  I often think of how I can be more like Mary.  I mean how many of us would have been worthy to bear the Son of God.

She took part in one of the most amazing miracles that has ever taken place in this earth.  She gave birth to the Son of God.  Considering the dangers and risks of pregnancy and childbirth during that time of the year it was amazing that she was able to carry to term and birth a healthy child.  I know this would only happen if God was watching over.  

What an amazing gift given by our Father in Heaven.  What an amazing woman to be worthy to help bring to pass this miracle.  It is true that because God loved the world, He sent His Son.  If you haven't already, I highly recommend watching this video.  It is a powerful reminder of the true reason for the season.  The Son is who we celebrate during this most wonderful time of the year.  It isn't the snow or the decorations or the lights or the gifts, although those things are all fun too.  It is Christ.  He is the reason for the season.  And wise men still seek Him.

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